I just got to know a very
unique artist, who is going against the ways people are generally used to,
while creating a new style in
this field. I could not resist not to introduce him, and make him speak.
- Tell me something about
Hello, My name is JUNAID MANNAN BUTT still single, Education B.A(prv), 27
years old and height is about 6 feet, I am sincere, Dedicated, Passionate
person and also Talkative (- according to my experinece), We are 5
siblings and i am at number 4.
- Great nice family masha Allah....how
did you get interested in modelling?
I started my career with Acting (accidently), The
response was very good! Soon i
got much involved and meet many new people,
they suggested me to do modelling as well, they told me that i have a UNIQUE
getup height is ok and Face cut is also suitable for modelling.